Turned Inside Out (2014) Virados do Avesso

Turned Inside Out (2014) Virados do Avesso
Title: Turned Inside Out
AKA: —
Year: 2014
Original title: Virados do Avesso
Runtime: 1 hour, 32 minutes
Country: Portugal
Language: Portuguese
Subtitles: English (.srt)
Genre: Comedy
Plot / Synopsis Morgado is João, a writer who one day wakes up suffering from a bout of selective amnesia: he can’t remember that he’s gay. So he decides to reject his partner of five years (Jorge Corrula) and he plunges into a new, unexpectedly hetero life. But, as the saying goes, it never rains but it pours: João also has a creative block, and is incapable of finishing his latest novel. Isabel (Diana Monteiro), his rival in the literary world, is suffering from a similar case of writer’s block. After a night spent together, Isabel steals João’s novel and tries to publish it as her own.

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